by Thomas Hatton | May 28, 2020 | Church, Featured, God, Mormonism, spirituality, Symbolism |
If you’ve been following Mormon culture for the last few years, chances are you’ve heard of Matt Page. Whether it was through his amazing Mormon-themed photoshop memes, or his prayer candles for important individuals in Latter Day Saint history, or General...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Dec 25, 2019 | Agency, Authority, Belief, Body of Christ, Christmas, decisions, Empowerment, Featured, gender, Goddess, Heavenly Mother, Humanity, Individuality, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Leadership, Marriage, parenting, Politics, Savior, sexism, Sexual Abuse, spiritual abuse, Symbolism, Truth, unity |
“Mother is the name for God in the lips and heart of little children.” -W.M. Thackeray Mary. Her story triggering to me year after year. Lack of consent in the name of a man’s will is triggering for any survivor of assault and abuse. You see, to survivors, it...
by Leah Marie | Jan 4, 2019 | Featured, Feminism, Mormonism, Ordain Women, sexism, Symbolism, Temple |
Word hit the street this week about changes to the temple ordinances. The bloggernacle is alive with those returning and reporting after visiting the temples. I’ve had a lot of conversations about this since the news broke and so went through the exercise of...
by Michelle Wiener | Dec 20, 2018 | Agency, covenants, decisions, Empowerment, eternal progression, Featured, Goddess, Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, New Age, Symbolism, Temple Recommend, testimony, the Spirit World, Why I Am Mormon |
“and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven” – Jeremiah 7:18 Back when I was 17, I wanted more than anything to go to Bible college, so I went with my Baptist youth group to Columbia, South Carolina to visit the school. But my parents would...
by Sheldon Greaves | Sep 24, 2018 | Bible Scholarship, Education, Featured, History, Institute, Jesus Christ, Old Testament, ordinances, prophecy, scripture, scripture translation, Seminary, Sunday School, Sunday School, Symbolism, Temple, The Weird and Wild Old Testament, Theology, Theology | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS Was animal-temple sacrifice an attempt to limit the amount of animals being killed? Is there a difference...
by Michelle Wiener | Nov 22, 2017 | Featured, Feminism, Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, Sacrament, Symbolism, The Holy ghost, Theology, Theosis |
Recently, I was asked to give the benediction in Sacrament Meeting. So, what is the real meaning behind this prayer, and to whom (within the Godhead) was it directed? What about the biblical imagery used? I’ll let you figure it out. Is there possibly some sacred...
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