by Lesley A. Butterfield | Dec 25, 2019 | Agency, Authority, Belief, Body of Christ, Christmas, decisions, Empowerment, Featured, gender, Goddess, Heavenly Mother, Humanity, Individuality, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Leadership, Marriage, parenting, Politics, Savior, sexism, Sexual Abuse, spiritual abuse, Symbolism, Truth, unity |
“Mother is the name for God in the lips and heart of little children.” -W.M. Thackeray Mary. Her story triggering to me year after year. Lack of consent in the name of a man’s will is triggering for any survivor of assault and abuse. You see, to survivors, it...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Mar 18, 2019 | Activism, Agency, Body of Christ, Charity, Church, Compassion, decisions, Disagreement, Empowerment, Family, Featured, Fellowship, Feminism, gender, Goddess, Goodness, Heavenly Mother, Humanity, Individuality, Modesty, Mother in Heaven, Ordain Women, parenting, Patriarchy, Righteousness, Savior, Service, sexism, Sexuality, spiritual abuse, Spiritual Experiences, spirituality, Truth, unity, Youth |
It is impossible to be a mother of both sons and daughters and not notice external and even internal biases that are imposed upon our children. Blue for boys, pink for girls. Trucks for boys, dolls for girls. But there are also covert biases that exist. Recently, a...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Dec 13, 2018 | Activism, Belief, Body of Christ, Charity, Christmas, Church History, Compassion, decisions, Empowerment, exclusion-policy, Exculion-policy, faith crisis, Featured, Fellowship, Goodness, History, Humanity, Individuality, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Judgement, LGBTQ, Mental Health, ordinances, Policy, racism, Radical Compassion, Righteousness, Savior, Service, spiritual abuse, spirituality, unity, Word of Wisdom, Word of Wisdom |
My arms ached. My back would feel it tomorrow. My fingers frozen from the nip of the wind. Tears welled in my eyes as I began to feel sorry for myself and the pathetic situation I was in. Again. As a single mother, snowfall doesn’t mean hot cocoa, snowmen, and...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Nov 7, 2018 | Activism, Authority, Church History, Corporate Church, Empowerment, Faith, faith crisis, Featured, Fellowship, Feminism, gender, General authorities, Humanity, Individuality, infallibility, Interviews, Judgement, LGBTQ, Lying, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Mormon Women Speak Podcast, Obedience, Patriarchy, Policy, sexism, Sexual Abuse, spiritual abuse, spirituality, Truth, unity | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSWhat is the perspective from a male survivor within the Mormon Me Too movement? Have they...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Oct 8, 2018 | Activism, Agency, Authority, Church, Compassion, decisions, Disagreement, Empowerment, exclusion-policy, faith crisis, Featured, Fellowship, Feminism, gender, General authorities, General Conference, heterosexism, Homosexuality, Humanity, Individuality, infallibility, Interviews, Judgement, Leadership, LGBTQ, lies, Mormon Women Speak Podcast, Mormonism, Patriarchy, Podcast, Policy, Politics, prophecy, Prophets, Racism, racism, Revelation, science, sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, spiritual abuse, Suicide, Truth, unity, Worthiness, Youth | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSPart 4 (Please listen to Part 3 first if you have not already done so.)...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Oct 8, 2018 | Activism, Authority, Belief, Body of Christ, Church, Compassion, Corporate Church, covenants, decisions, Disagreement, Education, Empowerment, eternal progression, exclusion-policy, Featured, Fellowship, Feminism, gender, General authorities, General Conference, Homosexuality, Individuality, Interviews, Leadership, LGBTQ, lies, Mormon Women Speak Podcast, Patriarchy, Podcast, Policy, Politics, Prophets, Racism, racism, Religion, sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, spiritual abuse, Suicide, unity, Worthiness, Youth | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSPart 3 Where are the diverse women’s voices on current events...
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