by Blaire Ostler | Apr 17, 2018 | Belief, Featured, God, Mormon Transhumanism, Mormonism, Transhumanism |
Hi, I’m Blaire. I’m a Mormon Transhumanist. It has been brought to my attention that some of you may not know what this means. For me, this means I think we should use science and technology to fulfill prophecies which improve humanity as the body of Christ. There is...
by Blaire Ostler | Jan 17, 2017 | Agency, Featured, Feminism, Potential, Transhumanism |
I stood on the edge of the cliff. Salty sea air bushed across my skin. My lover by my side. His wings spread wide with confidence, then he jumped. I watched and smiled in delight, light reflected off his wings, as he pursued his heart’s desire. He was happy, so I was...
by Blaire Ostler | Dec 8, 2016 | Featured, LGBTQ, Mormonism, Technology, Transhumanism |
(Image Credit: “Spectrum” by Richard Phillips) A friend recently asked, “Is Transhumanism compatible with the LGBTQ community?” My answer is a resounding, “YES!” Not only that, I find queer theory highly compatible with Mormon Transhumanism. While LDS policies and...
by Jonathan Cannon | Sep 19, 2016 | Agency, Atonement, Book of Abraham, Featured, Natural Theology, Transhumanism |
If you’ve been Mormon long, you know this story. God didn’t make the world. He told Jehovah to make it, and Jehovah got a bunch of other people together to do the real work. We made the world, or if not us, some of our brothers and sisters. We had...
by Jonathan Cannon | Jul 18, 2016 | Apologetics, Featured, Natural Theology, Transhumanism, Truth |
I’m an Apologist My most read posts in the past include a review of An Insider’s View of Mormon Origins, a personal response to the Letter to a CES Director, and a series of posts exploring the science of stylometry as it applies to the Book of Mormon. In...
by Jonathan Cannon | May 16, 2016 | Featured, Natural Theology, Politics, science, Transhumanism |
I tend to not start or end with scriptural authority, but I want you to take a close look at what these verses teach about the natural man. (Unfortunately, I am limited in my knowledge about the natural woman both because of my natural bias in thinking about how I...
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