by Lesley A. Butterfield | Dec 25, 2019 | Agency, Authority, Belief, Body of Christ, Christmas, decisions, Empowerment, Featured, gender, Goddess, Heavenly Mother, Humanity, Individuality, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Leadership, Marriage, parenting, Politics, Savior, sexism, Sexual Abuse, spiritual abuse, Symbolism, Truth, unity |
“Mother is the name for God in the lips and heart of little children.” -W.M. Thackeray Mary. Her story triggering to me year after year. Lack of consent in the name of a man’s will is triggering for any survivor of assault and abuse. You see, to survivors, it...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Nov 26, 2019 | Activism, Agency, Body of Christ, Church Policy, Compassion, Corporate Church, decisions, Empowerment, Featured, forgiveness, abuse, trauma, boundaries, safety, healing, peace, Individuality, Leadership, Mental Health, Policy, Sexual Abuse, spiritual abuse, Youth |
You may have heard of Trauma-Informed Care. It is all the rage right now and for good reason. More organizations and even faith communities are adopting trauma-informed policies in order to ensure the health and well-being of their members. But it left me thinking: Do...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Mar 25, 2019 | Activism, Agency, Apologetics, Authority, Belief, Body of Christ, Church, Compassion, Corporate Church, covenants, decisions, Disagreement, Empowerment, Excommunication, faith crisis, Family, Featured, Fellowship, Feminism, gender, General authorities, Honesty, Humanity, infallibility, Interviews, Judgement, Leadership, lies, Lying, Mental Health, Mormon Women Speak Podcast, News, Obedience, parenting, Patriarchy, Policy, Priesthood, Righteousness, sexism, Sexual Abuse, spiritual abuse, Tithing, Truth | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSDoes the church really protect predators and enable abusers? What happens when a victim pursues...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Jan 4, 2019 | Authority, Belief, Compassion, covenants, decisions, Disagreement, Empowerment, eternal progression, Faith, faith crisis, Family, Featured, gender, Leadership, Mental Health, Obedience, Ordain Women, ordinances, Patriarchy, Policy, polygamy, Polygamy, Priesthood, prophecy, Revelation, Righteousness, Righteousness, sexism, spiritual abuse, Temple, Temple Recommend, Worthiness |
The news of the recent feminist-centered changes to the temple has brought joy and rejoicing to many. That is important. It is valid. But it also brings sadness and grief to others. This, too, is important and valid. These are steps forward. As one Mormon Feminist...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Dec 20, 2018 | Activism, Agency, Agency, Authority, baptism, Belief, Body of Christ, Compassion, Corporate Church, decisions, Disagreement, Empowerment, Family, Featured, Feminism, Honesty, Humanity, Individuality, Interviews, Judgement, Leadership, lies, Lying, Mental Health, Mormon Women Speak Podcast, Mormonism, Obedience, parenting, Patriarchy, Policy, Priesthood, Racism, Righteousness, sexism, Sexual Abuse, spiritual abuse, Temple Recommend, Worthiness, Youth | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSPart 2 of this discussion includes a continued discussion and more reactions to...
by Sheldon Greaves | Dec 4, 2018 | Bible Scholarship, Education, Featured, Institute, Leadership, Old Testament, Priesthood, prophecy, Seminary, Sunday School, Sunday School, The Weird and Wild Old Testament, Theology | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSHow does the modern Mormon idea of a “prophet” line up with how the Old Testament sees...
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