by Lesley A. Butterfield | Apr 12, 2020 | Activism, Atonement, Body of Christ, Compassion, decisions, Empowerment, Faith, faith crisis, Featured, Fellowship, Forgiveness, forgiveness, abuse, trauma, boundaries, safety, healing, peace, Goodness, Humanity, Individuality, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Potential, Savior, scripture, spiritual abuse, spirituality, Theology, Truth, Worthiness |
“How beautiful you are he said a tapestry of scars.” -Atticus When I was in college, I flew home for the summer. I packed up everything I owned into my luggage and when I arrived at the airport, my bag was over the weight requirements, forcing me to remove...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Jan 4, 2019 | Authority, Belief, Compassion, covenants, decisions, Disagreement, Empowerment, eternal progression, Faith, faith crisis, Family, Featured, gender, Leadership, Mental Health, Obedience, Ordain Women, ordinances, Patriarchy, Policy, polygamy, Polygamy, Priesthood, prophecy, Revelation, Righteousness, Righteousness, sexism, spiritual abuse, Temple, Temple Recommend, Worthiness |
The news of the recent feminist-centered changes to the temple has brought joy and rejoicing to many. That is important. It is valid. But it also brings sadness and grief to others. This, too, is important and valid. These are steps forward. As one Mormon Feminist...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Dec 20, 2018 | Activism, Agency, Agency, Authority, baptism, Belief, Body of Christ, Compassion, Corporate Church, decisions, Disagreement, Empowerment, Family, Featured, Feminism, Honesty, Humanity, Individuality, Interviews, Judgement, Leadership, lies, Lying, Mental Health, Mormon Women Speak Podcast, Mormonism, Obedience, parenting, Patriarchy, Policy, Priesthood, Racism, Righteousness, sexism, Sexual Abuse, spiritual abuse, Temple Recommend, Worthiness, Youth | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSPart 2 of this discussion includes a continued discussion and more reactions to...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Nov 21, 2018 | Activism, Agency, Belief, Compassion, decisions, Disagreement, Featured, Feminism, Forgiveness, infallibility, Interviews, Judgement, Leadership, LGBTQ, Mormon Women Speak Podcast, Obedience, parenting, Patriarchy, Racism, Religion, Repentance, Reviews, Righteousness, sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, spiritual abuse, Temple, Temple Recommend, Worthiness, Youth | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSWith the recent This American Life podcast episode on Bishop’s Interviews, the...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Oct 8, 2018 | Activism, Agency, Authority, Church, Compassion, decisions, Disagreement, Empowerment, exclusion-policy, faith crisis, Featured, Fellowship, Feminism, gender, General authorities, General Conference, heterosexism, Homosexuality, Humanity, Individuality, infallibility, Interviews, Judgement, Leadership, LGBTQ, lies, Mormon Women Speak Podcast, Mormonism, Patriarchy, Podcast, Policy, Politics, prophecy, Prophets, racism, Racism, Revelation, science, sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, spiritual abuse, Suicide, Truth, unity, Worthiness, Youth | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSPart 4 (Please listen to Part 3 first if you have not already done so.)...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Oct 8, 2018 | Activism, Authority, Belief, Body of Christ, Church, Compassion, Corporate Church, covenants, decisions, Disagreement, Education, Empowerment, eternal progression, exclusion-policy, Featured, Fellowship, Feminism, gender, General authorities, General Conference, Homosexuality, Individuality, Interviews, Leadership, LGBTQ, lies, Mormon Women Speak Podcast, Patriarchy, Podcast, Policy, Politics, Prophets, racism, Racism, Religion, sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, spiritual abuse, Suicide, unity, Worthiness, Youth | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSPart 3 Where are the diverse women’s voices on current events...
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