by Lesley A. Butterfield | Apr 7, 2019 | Activism, Agency, Apostasy, Authority, Belief, Body of Christ, Charity, Church, Compassion, covenants, decisions, Empowerment, eternal progression, faith crisis, Family, Featured, Fellowship, General authorities, General Conference, God, Goddess, Goodness, Humanity, Individuality, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Mormonism, Ordain Women, ordinances, parenting, Policy, Prophets, Radical Compassion, Religion, Righteousness, Savior, scripture, spiritual abuse, Spiritual Experiences, spirituality, the Spirit World, Theology, Theology, Truth, Why I Am Mormon, Youth |
I have a family. We are a family. I bore these children, made from my own flesh and blood. I labor for them. I love them. I nursed them. I nourish them. But, when I listened to President’s Nelson’s talk on the Sunday Morning Session of General Conference,...
by Lesley A. Butterfield | Dec 13, 2018 | Activism, Belief, Body of Christ, Charity, Christmas, Church History, Compassion, decisions, Empowerment, exclusion-policy, Exculion-policy, faith crisis, Featured, Fellowship, Goodness, History, Humanity, Individuality, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Judgement, LGBTQ, Mental Health, ordinances, Policy, racism, Radical Compassion, Righteousness, Savior, Service, spiritual abuse, spirituality, unity, Word of Wisdom, Word of Wisdom |
My arms ached. My back would feel it tomorrow. My fingers frozen from the nip of the wind. Tears welled in my eyes as I began to feel sorry for myself and the pathetic situation I was in. Again. As a single mother, snowfall doesn’t mean hot cocoa, snowmen, and...
by J | Nov 28, 2016 | Charity, Disagreement, Featured, Politics, Radical Compassion, unity |
The terms “politically correct” and “political correctness” have appeared in a number of recent general conference addresses, and come up frequently in some Mormon circles. Political correctness is almost uniformly critiqued in both venues. A...
by Janan Graham-Russell | Oct 5, 2016 | Featured, Radical Compassion |
After listening to General Conference this past weekend, the concept and act of grace has weighed heavily on my mind. Because of this, I wanted to share this particular talk which was given in my local ward this past August. From the Creation to the sacrifice of the...
by J | Aug 22, 2016 | Featured, Politics, Radical Compassion |
When people talk about “privilege” — as in “white privilege” or “male privilege” or “straight privilege” — it can be easy for some people to tune out. Here’s another social justice warrior telling me I...
by Jon Barker | Aug 19, 2016 | Church, Compassion, Family, Featured, Goodness, Immigration, LDS Missions, Mormonism, Politics, Radical Compassion |
I can’t see anything about immigration or refugees in the news without thinking of my friends and my family. People I consider my blood. Some people are my blood. My wife is Guatemalan. My daughter is half Guatemalan. My two oldest brothers are also half...
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