116: The CES Podcast (for the rest of us): Episode 12 – Luke 11-17

116: The CES Podcast (for the rest of us): Episode 12 – Luke 11-17

https://media.blubrry.com/rationalfaiths/mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/tcs37l//116CES_NT_2016_12.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSWhat did Jesus think of the shopping frenzy know as Black Friday?  Did Jesus think that God was a woman?...
Who is Lucifer Really?: A Rebuttal

Who is Lucifer Really?: A Rebuttal

As Mormons, we believe that Heavenly Father presented a plan for his spirit children in the preexistence.  In this great Council in Heaven, Jesus was selected to be the one through whom redemption would be brought about through his intense suffering. However, Lucifer...
From “Oh, My Father” to “Restless Weaver” – Ola is the New Eliza!

From “Oh, My Father” to “Restless Weaver” – Ola is the New Eliza!

er Restless Weaver by Ola Harrison It seems everyone in the LDS world is familiar with the hymn “Oh, My Father” by Eliza R. Snow. For Mormons, this hymn is unique in the sense that it both mentions Heavenly Mother and functions as a prayer in its own right: In the...
The Day Heavenly Mother Lost Her Temple Recommend

The Day Heavenly Mother Lost Her Temple Recommend

A couple years ago, I began assisting as a moderator for the Finding Heavenly Mother Project, a Facebook group devoted to seeking out Heavenly Mother. It was an honor to have this special “calling” extended to me by my friend who founded the group. Over time, however,...
Using the Priesthood I Don’t Have

Using the Priesthood I Don’t Have

Recently, I got called “Pastor” at work, and since I teach religious studies at the local community college, it makes perfect sense. Sadly, I had to correct my colleague and explain to him that women in my denomination cannot be ordained, but I thanked him for the...
No Longer Quivering Before the Patriarchy

No Longer Quivering Before the Patriarchy

Imagine having to submit yourself to a form of Christian Patriarchy minus “the Priesthood,” and you have the beginnings of Vyckie Garrison’s story. “I am not really good at submission,” Garrison explained to the Charlotte Atheists and Agnostics group at the Concord...