by Michelle Wiener | Feb 24, 2016 | Activism, Agency, Apologetics, Atonement, Bible Scholarship, Book of Mormon, Charity, Church, Church History, Compassion, Corporate Church, covenants, decisions, Disagreement, Education, Faith, faith crisis, Faith Crisis, Family, Featured, Fellowship, Feminism, General authorities, Heavenly Mother, History, Honesty, Individuality, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, Leadership, Mormonism, Mother in Heaven, Old Testament, Policy, prophecy, Prophets, Relief Society, restoration, Revelation, Savior, scripture, spirituality, Symbolism, The Holy ghost, Theology, Truth, unity, Why I Am Mormon, Young Womens |
To Presidents Oscarson, McConkie, and Marriott of the General Young Women’s Presidency: Once a month, the Young Women join us at the beginning of Relief Society, as we all recite in unison the Young Women’s Theme; which begins, “We are daughters of our Heavenly...
by Michelle Wiener | Dec 23, 2015 | Agency, Book Reviews, Charity, Christmas, decisions, Faith, faith crisis, Family, Featured, Forgiveness, General authorities, History, Humanity, Movie Reviews, Repentance, restoration, Revelation, Service, spirituality, Symbolism, The Holy ghost, the Spirit World, Theology, Why I Am Mormon |
“‘I am in the presence of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?’ said Scrooge. The Spirit answered not, but pointed onward with his hand,” – Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol 1 I have always found this image from Charles Dickens’ A...
by Kirk Caudle | Nov 28, 2015 | Featured, restoration, Theology |
Before I begin this post, I want to relate the following parable called “The Blind Men and the Elephant.” A number of disciples went to the Buddha and said, “Sir, there are living here in Savatthi many wandering hermits and scholars who indulge in constant...
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