On Hell, Aliens, and a Near Death Experience

On Hell, Aliens, and a Near Death Experience

Back in 1985, Rev. Howard Storm had a Near Death Experience (NDE) in which he was first taken to hell and dramatically rescued by Jesus. In 2000, Storm published a book entitled My Descent into Death recounting his NDE. He was featured on Oprah twice in the 1980’s,...
No Longer Quivering Before the Patriarchy

No Longer Quivering Before the Patriarchy

Imagine having to submit yourself to a form of Christian Patriarchy minus “the Priesthood,” and you have the beginnings of Vyckie Garrison’s story. “I am not really good at submission,” Garrison explained to the Charlotte Atheists and Agnostics group at the Concord...
Tis So Sweet to Drink My Coffee

Tis So Sweet to Drink My Coffee

I have a confession to make…. I’m a Mormon convert and I drink coffee. Lots of it. I guess that makes me the worst sinner on the face of the planet because I don’t keep “the commandments” – or rather one of the commandments. Other than that I’m a pretty good person....