by Jacob Baker | May 12, 2016 | Education, Faith, Faith Crisis, Featured, infallibility, Theology |
In James Smith’s How (Not) to Be Secular–his interpretive summary of Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age–he notes that, while the causes and reasons for a loss of faith or belief are numerous, most people who embrace scientific materialism over religion do so because of...
by Jeremy Timothy | Jan 4, 2016 | Faith, Featured, Humanity, Mormonism, Natural Theology, Revelation, science, scripture, spirituality, Symbolism, Theology, Why I Am Mormon |
Whether its Moses parting the Red Sea, Jesus rising from the dead, Mohammed riding a winged horse of fire up into heaven, or the Angel Moroni appearing to Joseph Smith to lead him to an ancient record written by his own hand on gold plates, all the World’s great...
by Jason L | Oct 15, 2015 | Agency, Atonement, Faith, Featured, Revelation |
In college I lived down the hall from a very serious Christian. He worked hard to encourage others to be more active and outspoken about their Christianity. He was antagonistic to my Mormonism, considering it as non-Christian and me as having been led astray. We still...
by J | May 25, 2015 | Blogs about Blogs, Faith, Featured, General authorities, Individuality, Obedience, Revelation, Truth, unity |
People like me get called prideful all the time by our fellow Mormons. It gets old, to say the least. This accusation came up again in the discussion of a blog post titled “How to stay Mormon when you’re tired of Mormons,” which has been making the rounds on the...
by Hans Rosekat | May 8, 2015 | Atonement, Bible Scholarship, Charity, Compassion, Education, Featured, Forgiveness, History, Humanity, Jesus, Jesus Christ, New Testament, Savior, scripture |
The question of what is original and what is not to the earliest version of any book of scripture can be a very sensitive subject. This is compounded when you are discussing a section of one of the Christian gospels that deals specifically with a well-known story in...
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