by Allie Q | Nov 30, 2016 | Atonement, Compassion, Featured, Jesus, Jesus Christ |
Note: This is a sacrament talk given on November 20, 2016 Last Sunday, I attended evening Mass at St. Paul’s and heard a homily by Father Radmar reflecting on the presidential election. He said, “We need to be listening for God’s voice in the pain and concerns of...
by Jason L | Nov 17, 2016 | Atonement, Featured, Goodness, Hymns |
For me, this is a dark time. The thought of Donald Trump being my president makes me both numb and sick to my stomach. As a historian, I would say he represents the worst traditions of our nation. As a Christian, I would say he is all that the Savior warned us...
by Sheldon Greaves | Oct 28, 2016 | Atonement, Bible Scholarship, Education, Featured, Institute, Jesus, Jesus Christ, New Testament, Podcast, Savior, scripture, scripture translation, Seminary, Standard Works, The CES Podcast (for the rest of us) | Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSWhat’s with the young naked dude running off in the Garden of Gethsemane? Why would Jesus...
by Michelle Wiener | Oct 26, 2016 | Agency, Apologetics, art, Atonement, Book Reviews, Church, Compassion, exclusion-policy, Faith Crisis, faith crisis, Family, Featured, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Hell, Homosexuality, Interview, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Judgement, LGBTQ, lies, Lucifer, Marriage, Movie Reviews, Near Death Experience, Obedience, Righteousness, Savior, Sexuality, Spiritual Experiences, spirituality, the Spirit World, Word of Wisdom, Word of Wisdom, Worthiness |
Back in 1985, Rev. Howard Storm had a Near Death Experience (NDE) in which he was first taken to hell and dramatically rescued by Jesus. In 2000, Storm published a book entitled My Descent into Death recounting his NDE. He was featured on Oprah twice in the 1980’s,...
by Jonathan Cannon | Sep 19, 2016 | Agency, Atonement, Book of Abraham, Featured, Natural Theology, Transhumanism |
If you’ve been Mormon long, you know this story. God didn’t make the world. He told Jehovah to make it, and Jehovah got a bunch of other people together to do the real work. We made the world, or if not us, some of our brothers and sisters. We had...
by Michelle Wiener | Sep 9, 2016 | Agency, Apologetics, Atonement, Bible Scholarship, Blogs about Blogs, Book of Abraham, Disagreement, Faith Crisis, faith crisis, Featured, Feminism, Heavenly Mother, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lucifer, Mother in Heaven, Old Testament, Pearl of Great Price, Savior, scripture, scripture translation, Symbolism, the Spirit World, Theology |
As Mormons, we believe that Heavenly Father presented a plan for his spirit children in the preexistence. In this great Council in Heaven, Jesus was selected to be the one through whom redemption would be brought about through his intense suffering. However, Lucifer...
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