An Advent Reflection on Mary Magdalene

An Advent Reflection on Mary Magdalene

  The following is a paraphrased summary of a presentation given by Reverend Griffin Phillips as part of a series of Advent Luncheon Speaking Events held at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Danville, Kentucky on December 17, 2018. Griffin is an...
More Mariology from Michelle Mormon

More Mariology from Michelle Mormon

On a Personal Note: I am currently taking a fascinating course in Mariology through my PhD studies. This was a recent paper I wrote that you may find to be of interest. I hope you find this helpful in your own search for Heavenly Mother. – Sincerely, Michelle...
On Yom Kippur

On Yom Kippur

With today being Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in the Hebrew calendar, I would like to reflect on a very sacred experience that I had, and one that is very unique within Mormonism, although I was actually not yet a member of the Church when I had this...
How Shall We Continue in The Silencing?

How Shall We Continue in The Silencing?

Imagine how Mary Magdalene must have felt on the morning of the Resurrection, being the first person to see the risen Christ. Imagine too how she must have felt later on when she would be forever silenced for her testimony: “I have seen the Lord: such is the story of...