God’s Love

God’s Love

Note: This was a high council talk given on July 19, 2015 We live in interesting times, times of distress and disorder. Social issues regularly top our headlines causing many to wonder whether or not the end of the world is at our doorstep. Indeed, on the negative...
Be ye therefore emotional

Be ye therefore emotional

I was asked to do an “emotional kick off” for my relief society this week. I’d had my own emotional meltdown the night before giving my 20 minute workshop so I figured that made me a perfect candidate for teaching the concepts that I needed to use. And I felt a little...
Torture and Violence

Torture and Violence

My Dad only spanked me once. It was either with a shoe or a belt, I can’t remember, but as I cried he teased me and said my singing (crying) sounded pretty. I was 14 when a male authority figure held my head against a wall and punched me in the face so hard it...