by Carrie Marsh | Aug 27, 2015 | Agency, decisions, Featured, Feminism, Gospel Topics, Individuality, Modesty, Mormonism, Obedience, Sexuality, Temple |
I recently read the fantastic opinion piece by Mette Harrison via The Huffington Post entitled “If We Don’t Feel Oppressed, Are We?” and it really hit home with me. When discussing matters that bothered me in the church, in particular the inequality...
by Geoff Nelson | Jan 7, 2015 | Blogs about Blogs, Book of Abraham, Faith Crisis, Featured, General Conference, Gospel Topics, Homosexuality, Modesty, Mormonism, parenting, Polygamy, prayer, Priesthood, Racism, Relief Society, Word of Wisdom |
The church offers materials in 105 languages on its website. At least portions of the website are available to be viewed in at least 73 languages. The Gospel Topics section, which has gotten a lot of attention for its essays on controversial topics, is available in 10...
by Pablo | Sep 18, 2014 | Featured, Gospel Topics, Modesty, Obedience |
This little gem came across my Facebook feed this afternoon. It has already gotten a lot of buzz so I thought I would throw in my two cents, since I am alumni. President Clark is the president of BYU-Idaho located in Rexburg, Idaho. This is what he wrote on his...
by Jared Mooney | Jul 3, 2014 | Charity, Featured, Feminism, Forgiveness, Gospel Topics, Honesty, Lying, Modesty, Mormonism, New Testament, Priesthood, Technology, Truth |
Jesus put it rather simply: “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” To that simple injunction, he added a more specific warning: “With whatsoever measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you.” Barreling through the King James English, that...
by Viliami | Jun 2, 2014 | Featured, Feminism, Gospel Topics, Modesty, Mormonism, Sexuality |
I overheard my oldest daughter Sammie the other day say she wanted fake eyelashes. She’s only 15. What follows is my best recollection of the conversation that followed. Some of what I said I wish I could change. There are a few statements I wish were more...
by Laurel Sandberg-Armstrong | May 20, 2014 | Featured, Feminism, Gospel Topics, Modesty, Mormonism, Priesthood, Sunday School |
So today I was browsing the ol’ book of Faces, when I saw a link to a Google doc done by Laura Compton comparing the Young Women’s manual from June of 2013 to June of 2014. The lessons are on the priesthood. The changes are pretty fascinating, especially...
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