A Glimpse into the Spirit World

A Glimpse into the Spirit World

“‘I am in the presence of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?’ said Scrooge.  The Spirit answered not, but pointed onward with his hand,” – Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol 1 I have always found this image from Charles Dickens’ A...
A Prayer

A Prayer

Dear Lord and God above, My heart is groaning for the world even at it groans now in sin.  More and more we are becoming a world divided.  I pray that we can remember that which you taught us.  At this time, as violence comes upon our shores, with those gunned down in...
Thanksgiving therapy with the Mormon Family…

Thanksgiving therapy with the Mormon Family…

If the Mormon family came to me for therapy this week, it would be Molly, 5 adult children, and Peter, her husband, coming to talk about Thanksgiving dinner next week. Me: Hey, Molly…. Peter, it’s good to see you again. Sounds like things have changed a bit. You’ve...