by Jason L | Aug 30, 2016 | Charity, Church History, Compassion, Excommunication, Featured |
In church lessons and talks, we often hold up the stories of Mormon expulsion – from New York, Ohio, Missouri, and Nauvoo – as moral lessons about brave pioneer ancestors following prophets, keeping covenants, and being preserved by the hand of the Lord....
by Jason Ford | Jul 8, 2016 | Excommunication, Featured |
I was eleven years old the day I saw them from my bedroom window walk up to our front door. My mother informed them the man they were looking for was in the backyard. I raced from the front of my childhood home to the back window. With my nose pressed up against the...
by Jason L | Apr 21, 2016 | Church, Excommunication, Featured, Fellowship, ordinances |
In the LDS Church, we teach that excommunication encompasses two overlapping actions: removing people from the church community and severing their covenants. I believe that it is entirely appropriate for the Church to engage in the former (even if I don’t always agree...
by James Patterson | Feb 12, 2016 | Excommunication, Featured |
Cast: (SP) Stake President (Apostle) An apostle making his way through the land (A) ‘Apostate’ man (WM1,WM2,WM3) Ward Members one, two and three Ward Members: (traipsing through the ward building, dragging around a non-descript looking man)We have found an apostate!...
by Dr. LaShawn Williams | Dec 16, 2015 | Apostasy, Black Mormon History Month, decisions, Disagreement, Excommunication, faith crisis, Family, Featured, General Conference, History, Honesty, Humanity, Individuality, infallibility, Jesus Christ, LDS Missions, Racism, spirituality, Truth, Uncategorized, unity, Why I Am Mormon |
In October, I was on a panel about Black Women and Race in the LDS Church as part of the “Black White and Mormon” Conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah the week after General Conference. After the panel, an audience member approached me because he knew my writing...
by Daniel Parkinson | Nov 15, 2015 | decisions, Excommunication, Featured, Honesty, Jesus Christ, Obedience, Policy, Politics, Revelation |
In the wake of the terrorists attacks in Paris, there is a call for Muslims worldwide to purge the violence and extremism out of Islam. I agree that they should, but I realize it is difficult task, that would be like asking all Christian Faiths to unite and get rid...
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