by Jeremy Timothy | Oct 3, 2016 | Agency, Faith, Featured, Humanity, Mental Health, Mormonism, Theology |
There exists in the LDS culture an idea that we are meant to be happy and to have the gospel is to be happy. It is not uncommon to imagine the afterlife as a state of unending happiness. So much of or rhetoric is based on how we are the happiest people on Earth...
by Jim Smithson | Aug 5, 2016 | Featured, Gospel Topics, Mormonism, restoration, Theology |
If Joseph Smith had an authentic experience with the Divine (which I think he did), and if his experience was prophetic rather than strictly personal (which I think it was), his emerging vision of Zion was pretty much inevitable. To put it another way: The most...
by Daniel Lewis | Jan 26, 2016 | Faith Crisis, Featured, Individuality, unity |
I recently attended a round table discussion, hosted by Deseret Book, to discuss Patrick Q. Mason’s book “Planted: belief and belonging in an age of doubt”, which was reviewed on Sunday by Benjamin Knoll. The book, in general, is about making Mormonism work in the...
by Jared Mooney | Feb 5, 2015 | Charity, Compassion, Faith, Faith Crisis, Featured, Honesty, Individuality, Jesus Christ, Mormonism, Radical Compassion, Truth |
“Everything that is great in life is the product of slow growth; the newer, and greater, and higher, and nobler the work, the slower is its growth, the surer is its lasting success. Mushrooms attain their full power in a night; oaks require decades. A fad lives...
by Laurel Sandberg-Armstrong | Nov 26, 2014 | Charity, Compassion, Featured, Gospel Topics, Humanity, Liahona Stake, Uncategorized, unity |
About three months ago, I was perusing the book of Faces and tasting its virtual tapas-bar of entertainment. Amidst the adorable baby videos, outraged political rants, and quizzes that look deep into my soul and tell me which kind of 90’s fashion accessory I am,...
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