A Prayer

A Prayer

Dear Lord and God above, My heart is groaning for the world even at it groans now in sin.  More and more we are becoming a world divided.  I pray that we can remember that which you taught us.  At this time, as violence comes upon our shores, with those gunned down in...
A Response to John Dominic Crossan,  ‘How to Read the Bible and Still be a Christian’

A Response to John Dominic Crossan, ‘How to Read the Bible and Still be a Christian’

I was invited to respond to John Dominic Crossan a few weeks ago at a book event at Writ & Vision in Provo, Utah. I was honored to spend the time getting to know Dom, and greatly respect his honesty, scholarship, and kindness in allowing me to share a few of my...
Torture and Violence

Torture and Violence

My Dad only spanked me once. It was either with a shoe or a belt, I can’t remember, but as I cried he teased me and said my singing (crying) sounded pretty. I was 14 when a male authority figure held my head against a wall and punched me in the face so hard it...