by L Thomas | Sep 10, 2014 | Apologetics, Atonement, Featured, Repentance |
I’ve wrestled with many questions about the Atonement: “Does the Atonement work?” “Is it real?” “Can it work for me?” Obviously I cannot prove (or disprove) that the Atonement works in any kind of eternal or...
by Jeremy Timothy | Jul 17, 2014 | Featured, Humanity, Mormonism, Theology, Truth |
We live in a culture that has defined a war between the two worlds I live in, science and religion. Each has been pitted against the other in a no holds barred contest for supremacy in the elusive search for truth. On one side is the Godless heathen intellectuals and...
by Jonathan Cannon | Feb 17, 2014 | Faith, Featured, Gospel Topics, Natural Theology, Revelation, Theology, Transhumanism |
First Post Previous Post Next Post Assumptions about God Omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Dogma in our modern understanding is pretty much just another way of saying “arbitrary assumptions”. According to a Pew Research Foundation survey on religion...
by Miguel Barker-Valdez | Feb 2, 2014 | Featured |
A LETTER TO A LIBERAL MORMON Dear Liberal Mormons, I have heard things and read things as they have come across my Face Book feed that are concerning and need to be addressed. There seems to be a rise among liberal and so-called “intellectual” Mormons to...
by Jonathan Cannon | Jan 22, 2014 | Faith, Featured, Gospel Topics, Mormonism, Natural Theology, Revelation, Theology, Transhumanism |
In this third part of my discussion of cosmic assumptions, I explain that not all infinities are created equal. I discuss different sizes of infinity, variation among universes, and assumptions we make about evidence. See the introductory post, here, and the follow...
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