by Jason L | Feb 16, 2017 | Book of Mormon, Compassion, Featured, Immigration |
I often write critically here. I strive to do so in the spirit of community, as one who only wishes us to be our best. Today, I want to write something different. I want to share what the Book of Mormon means to me. Because – in my own way that may not be so...
by Jared Mooney | May 5, 2016 | Apostasy, Church, Compassion, Corporate Church, decisions, Disagreement, exclusion-policy, faith crisis, Faith Crisis, Featured, Fellowship, General authorities, Humanity, Immigration, Leadership, Mormonism, Policy |
I had a discussion with a friend and his wife a couple weeks ago about their situation living with his parents. My friend and his wife were both raised as Mormons, but in recent years have both suffered a faith crisis that eventually took them out of the church. His...
by jonathan smoot Slow | Nov 30, 2015 | Compassion, Featured, Homosexuality, Mormonism |
Salt Lake City, UT—The church has generously donated $5 million to support Syrian refugees, and the First Presidency has also encouraged members to assist those fleeing violence throughout the world. At the same time, the church has quietly updated the Handbook,...
by Laurel Sandberg-Armstrong | Sep 15, 2015 | Compassion, Featured, Mormonism, News, unity |
So there’s been some talk amidst the “end of days” crowds that this September is supposed to be the beginning of the end. Or the beginning of an end. Or the seventh year in the cycle of Jewish numbers of Old Testament things and 9/11 and the...
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