Why It Is Not Helpful To Tell Me To Leave

Why It Is Not Helpful To Tell Me To Leave

My arms ached. My back would feel it tomorrow. My fingers frozen from the nip of the wind. Tears welled in my eyes as I began to feel sorry for myself and the pathetic situation I was in. Again. As a single mother, snowfall doesn’t mean hot cocoa, snowmen, and...
The desolation of the middle

The desolation of the middle

I have been told in the past that I am something of an empath. I think that may be part of what drove me to my career. A lot of empathetic people go into medicine. A lot of them have it stamped and squashed right out of them by the pressures of the job for which...
Scarred, Broken, and Held in Trust

Scarred, Broken, and Held in Trust

Someone else has left. Friend, family member, fellow guardian of once shared sacred truths. He’s found another path. Time will tell if she was called to this other path or if he was simply called away from our community, anywhere but here. He’s still here. God...