by Hans Rosekat | May 8, 2015 | Atonement, Bible Scholarship, Charity, Compassion, Education, Featured, Forgiveness, History, Humanity, Jesus, Jesus Christ, New Testament, Savior, scripture |
The question of what is original and what is not to the earliest version of any book of scripture can be a very sensitive subject. This is compounded when you are discussing a section of one of the Christian gospels that deals specifically with a well-known story in...
by Hans Rosekat | Sep 12, 2014 | Bible Scholarship, Book of Mormon, Education, Faith, Featured, Gospel Topics, Humanity, Mormonism, Old Testament, Revelation, Standard Works, Sunday School, Uncategorized |
Scholars today recognize that the full text of Isaiah was not written by a single individual named Isaiah in the latter half of the eighth century BCE, but rather that the text was written by at least two, and more probably three, individual authors spanning a period...
by Geoff Nelson | Jun 27, 2014 | Charity, Compassion, Education, Faith Crisis, Featured, Gospel Topics, Honesty, Mormonism, News, Sunday School |
This post must begin by acknowledging the current events regarding the excommunication of Kate Kelly. Regardless of how you feel about the excommunication, we should all be mourning together. We should all be grieving. We should all follow our baptismal covenant to...
by Sheldon Greaves | Mar 1, 2014 | Bible Scholarship, Compassion, Faith Crisis, Featured, Homosexuality, Old Testament, Sexuality, Standard Works, Sunday School, Theology |
By Sheldon Greaves, Ph.D. The section in Genesis for this week’s lesson is Genesis 13-14; 18-19, a crucial set of passages where the Bible paints a defining picture of Abraham, Lot, their families, and the world they lived in. There isn’t time to do proper justice to...
by Miguel Barker-Valdez | Oct 26, 2012 | Book of Mormon, Featured, Sunday School |
“HE DID EXPOUND ALL THINGS UNTO THEM” Click here to listen to Jared Anderson’ podcast that goes over this lesson. Jesus Quotes Isaiah 54:1-17: 3 Nephi 22:1-17 “Although Mormon, as narrator, never inserts scriptural passages he does recount...
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