by Miguel Barker-Valdez | Jan 20, 2016 | decisions, Featured, General authorities, Politics, prophecy, Prophets |
The other day I was listening to an episode of the Freakonomics Radio podcast entitled, “How to Be Less Terrible at Predicting the Future.” 1 As part of the episode, they interviewed Dr. Philip Tetlock, professor at the University of Pennsylvania,...
by Miguel Barker-Valdez | Jan 11, 2016 | Agency, Featured, Homosexuality |
With Elder Nelson’s recent reconfirmation of the Church’s exclusion policy,1 I hear a lot of members defending it by saying, “The prophet will never lead the Church astray.” Let’s take a look at that argument. “The prophet will...
by Jacob Baker | Nov 12, 2015 | Featured, Policy |
Don’t worry. All is well. I’m sorry if I caused you any undue anxiety. I know there have been many voices speaking ill of the anointed. This last weekend these voices rose to a crescendo unlike anything I’ve ever seen. But you can rest easy, for my...
by Jared Mooney | Nov 5, 2015 | Corporate Church, Featured, General authorities, Honesty, Jesus Christ |
The God I worship delights in righteousness, not obedience. Obedience does not mean the same thing as righteousness. Righteousness embodies goodness and uprightness. Obedience embodies compliance. Which is why we ‘sustain’ our prophets not...
by Jeremy Timothy | Sep 14, 2015 | Church History, decisions, Faith, Faith Crisis, Featured, General authorities, Gospel Topics, Humanity, Joseph Smith, LDS Church History, Mormonism, Racism, Revelation, spirituality, Truth, Why I Am Mormon |
It has now been 9 years since I first listened to the Mormon Stories podcast with Darius Gray and Margaret Young on blacks and the priesthood and temple ban. In it they put the priesthood ban into context of the surrounding culture. I learned that in the beginning,...
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