With Elder Nelson’s recent reconfirmation of the Church’s exclusion policy,1 I hear a lot of members defending it by saying, “The prophet will never lead the Church astray.” Let’s take a look at that argument.

“The prophet will never lead us astray.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because a prophet said it.”

“How do you know the prophet is right?”

“Because the prophet will never lead us astray.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because a prophet said it.”

“How do you know the prophet is right?”

“Because the prophet will never lead us astray.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because a prophet said it.”

“How do you know the prophet is right?”

“Because the prophet will never lead us astray.”

If the prophet will never lead us astray, why did President Uchtdorf say:

“And, to be perfectly frank, there have been times when members or leaders in the Church have simply made mistakes. There may have been things said or done that were not in harmony with our values, principles, or doctrine.” 2

Why do we have free agency if that agency always leads us to the pre-determined conclusion that what the prophet says is always right? Do we really have the freedom to choose, when the choice has already been chosen for us?

And what purpose does the Holy Spirit have if his only job is to confirm that what the prophet says is always right? Do we really need a confirmation of something that needs no confirming? Wait. Let me confirm that.

Never mind.

My head hurts.






1 If you are unaware of Elder Nelson’s comments, click here to read.

2 October 2013 General Conference. Click here to read entire talk.

Miguel is a Guatemalan-American Mormon living in the Northwest with his family. He is one of the proprietors of the Rational Faiths blog.

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