Permanently Changed but Not Broken

Permanently Changed but Not Broken

After my mission I did a lot of fun stuff all at once. I started running a lot and I was in good enough shape that I could bust out 8 miles or so just for fun. The most I ever ran was about 15 miles up the Bonneville Shoreline Trail below Mount Ogden. I took mountain...
Book Review:  Ezra and Hadassah:  A Portrait of American Royalty

Book Review: Ezra and Hadassah: A Portrait of American Royalty

Ezra and Hadassah: A Portrait of American Royalty is the gripping account of author Heather Young’s tumultuous childhood at the abusive hands of those into whose care she was entrusted, both her foster and Latter-day Saint adoptive parents. With remarkable courage,...
The Authorship of Isaiah and Its Bearing on the Book of Mormon

The Authorship of Isaiah and Its Bearing on the Book of Mormon

Scholars today recognize that the full text of Isaiah was not written by a single individual named Isaiah in the latter half of the eighth century BCE, but rather that the text was written by at least two, and more probably three, individual authors spanning a period...
A Circle, Unbroken

A Circle, Unbroken

Growing up, I vividly remember my family forming prayer circles whenever we’d gather as a large group. One by one, “the siblings” (my aunts, uncle and mother) within the circle would take the time to offer up a prayer of gratitude, strength or forgiveness. My aunt,...