by Leah Marie | Jan 4, 2019 | Featured, Feminism, Mormonism, Ordain Women, sexism, Symbolism, Temple |
Word hit the street this week about changes to the temple ordinances. The bloggernacle is alive with those returning and reporting after visiting the temples. I’ve had a lot of conversations about this since the news broke and so went through the exercise of...
by Blaire Ostler | Sep 29, 2018 | Activism, Featured, Feminism, Satire |
I compiled a list of 20 preventative measures for men who have expressed their concerns about being falsely accused of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct. 1. Don’t put yourself in compromising situations. 2. Stay alert and aware at all...
by Benjamin Knoll | Jan 21, 2018 | Featured |
On January 16 the new LDS First Presidency fielded questions from the press. In response to Peggy Fletcher Stack’s question about diversity in the highest levels of church leadership, including women in church leadership, the new First Presidency responded: President...
by Lana Bean | Sep 13, 2016 | Book Reviews, Featured, Feminism, History, Reviews |
Guest Post by Lana Bean Frontier Grit by Marianne Monson Shadow Mountain Publishing, 9/6/2016 208 pages History While the etymology of the word “history” doesn’t suggest that it belongs to men, it’s perhaps appropriate that it at least sounds like “his story,” because...
by Carrie Marsh | Aug 27, 2015 | Agency, decisions, Featured, Feminism, Gospel Topics, Individuality, Modesty, Mormonism, Obedience, Sexuality, Temple |
I recently read the fantastic opinion piece by Mette Harrison via The Huffington Post entitled “If We Don’t Feel Oppressed, Are We?” and it really hit home with me. When discussing matters that bothered me in the church, in particular the inequality...
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