by Michelle Wiener | Jul 26, 2017 | Agency, Apologetics, Church History, Education, Faith, faith crisis, Featured, harmony, Heavenly Mother, History, Honesty, Humanity, Mother in Heaven, Natural Theology, Potential, Theology |
Sometimes in your studies, you run across pleasant surprises. Recently this happened to me. As I was studying medieval church history, I ran across the name Boethius. I learned that Boethius was a powerful influence on the scholastic movement with writers like Thomas...
by Michelle Wiener | Sep 23, 2015 | Agency, Compassion, Faith, Featured, Feminism, Forgiveness, Heavenly Mother, Individuality, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, Mormonism, Mother in Heaven, New Testament, Priesthood, Relief Society, Revelation, Savior, spirituality, Symbolism, The Holy ghost, Theology, Truth, Why I Am Mormon |
With today being Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in the Hebrew calendar, I would like to reflect on a very sacred experience that I had, and one that is very unique within Mormonism, although I was actually not yet a member of the Church when I had this...
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