by Blaire Ostler | May 15, 2018 | eternal progression, Featured, gender, Goddess, Heavenly Mother, King Follett Discourse, Priesthood, Theosis |
Imagine what it would be like to hear as much about Heavenly Mother as we do Heavenly Father. Imagine if we spoke of Her as often as we do of Him. Imagine if we worshiped Her as vocally and immersively as we do Him. Imagine if the King Follett sermon were written...
by Jonathan Cannon | Oct 27, 2014 | Apologetics, Faith, Featured, Humanity, Natural Theology, Transhumanism |
I have listened to and read many discussions regarding the existence or nature of God. It is one of those debates that I believe is unresolvable. The New God Argument motivates trust in God given a small number of assumptions, but doesn’t suggest much about God...
by Corbin Volluz | Apr 8, 2014 | Featured, Gospel Topics, Honesty, LDS Church History, Lying, Mormonism, News, Theology |
The LDS Church is currently engaged in a systematic and officially endorsed effort to misrepresent some of its teachings to the outside world. This is not a new phenomenon. As far back as the Nauvoo period, “Joseph [Smith] publicly and repeatedly denied he was...
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