by Lesley A. Butterfield | Jan 4, 2019 | Authority, Belief, Compassion, covenants, decisions, Disagreement, Empowerment, eternal progression, Faith, faith crisis, Family, Featured, gender, Leadership, Mental Health, Obedience, Ordain Women, ordinances, Patriarchy, Policy, polygamy, Polygamy, Priesthood, prophecy, Revelation, Righteousness, Righteousness, sexism, spiritual abuse, Temple, Temple Recommend, Worthiness |
The news of the recent feminist-centered changes to the temple has brought joy and rejoicing to many. That is important. It is valid. But it also brings sadness and grief to others. This, too, is important and valid. These are steps forward. As one Mormon Feminist...
by Walter van Beek | Apr 28, 2013 | Featured, Temple |
By Dr. Walter Van Beek We have rituals in the church, many rituals. We call them differently, though, as we prefer to speak about the sacrament, about blessing, anointment, ordination, or more generally about ordinances – preferable priesthood ordinances – or...
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