by Jason L | Aug 22, 2017 | Book of Mormon, Featured, Racism |
(Author’s Note: This was a tough post to write and I expect a tough post to read. Please read carefully for what I am and am not saying before commenting. I think we can have a productive conversation, but only if we’re committed to doing so.) Before we...
by Jason L | Aug 17, 2017 | Church History, Featured, Racism |
As the events of Charlottesville made clear, the United States has a long way to go in addressing its racial history. The same is true for our Church. The initial official statement by the Church was, well, a bit tepid. It condemned violence. It also quoted a...
by Blaire Ostler | Mar 21, 2017 | Authority, Church, Featured, Temple Recommend, Word of Wisdom |
I love my mother very much. She taught me so much that I’m not even sure she is aware of. I remember her saying often, “never be afraid to stand up for what you believe”, “follow your gut”, “a phone call home will save you a hell of a lot of trouble”, “there’s nothing...
by Blaire Ostler | Feb 21, 2017 | Featured, Homosexuality, LGBTQ, Mormons Building Bridges |
I recently attended a Mormons Building Bridges Contemplative Retreat in Sundance, Utah. Attendees were asked to participate in introspective questioning and sharing about gender identity and sexual orientation in relation to LDS policy and Mormon theology. The retreat...
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