I love my mother very much. She taught me so much that I’m not even sure she is aware of. I remember her saying often, “never be afraid to stand up for what you believe”, “follow your gut”, “a phone call home will save you a hell of a lot of trouble”, “there’s nothing more important than your education”, “don’t lose your faith in God”, and my personal favorite, “you don’t have to put up with other people’s crap”.
The majority of my life I’ve watched my mother have a humorous on-again-off-again relationship with Pepsi. I can still remember countless times as a child walking by her craft room to see her sitting at her sewing machine with an ice cold Pepsi sweating beads of condensation on the sewing desk my dad made for her. They were very happy memories.
In the 90’s there was quite a fuss among members on the specific doctrine of the Word of Wisdom and caffeinated sodas. The debate seemed to never end, and our bishopric at the time had a strict interpretation.
When my mother went in for her temple recommend interview the questions came.
The bishop asked, “Do you obey the Word of Wisdom?”
She replied, “Yes.”
He pressed, “Do you drink caffeine?”
She casually replied, “I drink Pepsi and I don’t give a s*#t.”
She finished the interview and walked out with her temple recommend.
For better or worse she has had some influence in shaping my perceptions of authority. I learned at a very young age not to allow religious figures to overstep their bounds.
Good for you!!!!
They do not serve caffeinated drinks in the LDS church’s office building but if one goes there around lunch time one can see many of the people working there going to the convenience store across the street and load up on sodas with caffeine. What this means is that one doesn’t have to abide by what one is preaching or at least the ones that run this church don’t have to
Another thing. I am a “convert” to the LDS church from the Catholic Church. After been in the Mormon Temple for years, I quitted going as I started comparing my experience in the Catholic church were their churches and Cathetrales are open to the “Whole world” regardles your believes and religion and social economical class, food choices, no dress code, sexual preference, etc. Why I have to have an interview in the LDS church to see if I am worthy to enter in the “House of the Lord” JUST according to 12 questions that anybody can “fake” except the “TITHING”that is collect and control by the church with a written paper with your name an quantity given (not in an anonimus way like in the Catholic Church and as much as you want or nothing and still you can enter in the Catholic House of the Lord)? Besides, the late numbers that the LDS church gave about ALL the “Trillions” of DEAD people that are waiting for the “Mormon Temple Work” to be saved. It does not make sense to me. If in this “Planet” there are at this present time 7 BILLIONS of LIVING people with a lot of LIVING NEEDS. The population of the Mormon Church is 15 MILLION. Probably 5 MILLION active and according last news, out of 5 Million, only 2% goes to the temple. How in the “heck” the church pretends to do the “Temple Work for the DEAD” for “Trillions of DEAD and growing since people dies every day die.? I start beliving that this is a big ” bussiness in the name of God” building Temples that only certain people can go if you PAY for it. Buy expecial clothing (garments, temple cloths)….Cafeteria, restaurant in “a Temple”?…. A arquitecture designe that looks to me more like a movie theater in a Hotel. A repetitive movie that makes me fall asleep or more confuse because I find every tume more contradictions as more I study finding the truth. The convenants that makes the Church to do of “Consacrate” EVERYTHIG” you have you are to the “Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints” control, rule,by the “Authorities” of the Church who decided what to do with all you GIVE without “questions” of the members that are NOT “Authorities”. What about the building of FREE schools, hospitals, communities therapies, etc SO MUCH NEEDED services for the LIVING? What about the money that the LDS Church is expending in the building of “Luxury apartments for the rich Real State Property. Shopping Malls, Entertaining business. Etc… How come out of around more than 48 Billions collectex from the LDS Church EVERY YEAR, only 0.70% the LDS Church donates to Charity and they do not pay any taxes in ANY inbusiness deals? How come in Utah (The Meca of Mormonism) wit 17 Temples, over 600 churches buildings, Welfare storages, and many more of other Human Resources, Utah is one of the states with big percentage of “youth homeless, suicidal, drugs addiction, the first and only state in USA that have “white coller offenders registry ” because how many busines scams there are among the ignorant “blind follower members of the church. Domestic abuse, pornography, sexual abuse, poverty, low pay and insuficient teachers, expensive Health Care….on and on I think we need to start a big conversation of the REALITY of live and how the LDS (and all churches/religions) are handling the “business of God” for the Salvation and wellness of His children while they are ALIVE not DEAD!! D&C 112:24-28. I think this is the time when the Lord is going to start to “Detox” the insanity of the world “starting from His house” and probably starting from the corruption of those in position of anoprobablyf “authority and influence” on the LDS church that are abusing their “piweful positions” to take advantage of the “followers by faith” as 5he LDS church is teaching. Lets start a serious convetsation among ALL the members about ALL this main points that is critical for the LIVING