by Jason L | Feb 16, 2017 | Book of Mormon, Compassion, Featured, Immigration |
I often write critically here. I strive to do so in the spirit of community, as one who only wishes us to be our best. Today, I want to write something different. I want to share what the Book of Mormon means to me. Because – in my own way that may not be so...
by Boyd Petersen | Aug 4, 2016 | Faith, Faith Crisis, faith crisis, Featured, Truth |
Many years ago, I took a flight from Baltimore to New York on a turboprop airplane. I love to fly and I had never experienced a turboprop, so I was thrilled to get on the plane. But what started out as an adventure ended up a nerve-wracking experience when we ran into...
by Michelle Wiener | Jun 22, 2016 | Agency, Apologetics, Corporate Church, faith crisis, Faith Crisis, Featured, Mormonism, Why I Am Mormon |
For this post, I decided to ask myself a rather difficult question. So, why do I, as a convert, remain LDS despite my struggles with certain aspects of Mormonism? As it turns out, I have some good reasons, and the positive far outweighs the negative. Here are my...
by Pablo | Mar 26, 2015 | Featured, Mormonism |
Celebrating my son’s ninth birthday this year was extra fun. He decided to have a Star Wars birthday and I was beyond thrilled. While my wife spent the requisite hours searching Pinterest for Star Wars party ideas to entertain a crew of rowdy boys, my contribution to...
by Emily Spencer | Sep 17, 2014 | Agency, Atonement, Book Reviews, Charity, Compassion, Disability, Faith, Faith Crisis, Featured, Forgiveness, Humanity, Mental Health, Reviews, Sacrament, Symbolism, Truth |
Ezra and Hadassah: A Portrait of American Royalty is the gripping account of author Heather Young’s tumultuous childhood at the abusive hands of those into whose care she was entrusted, both her foster and Latter-day Saint adoptive parents. With remarkable courage,...
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