by Michelle Wiener | Jun 27, 2018 | Activism, Apostasy, Bible Scholarship, Empowerment, Faith Crisis, faith crisis, Featured, Judgement, prophecy, Revelation, Savior, spiritual abuse, Theology |
Congratulations, folks! We just survived yet, another rapture prediction. I have to say; I’m not quite so sure why “summer solstice” would usher in the endtimes….but whatever. This is nothing new to me. When I was in sixth grade, my parents decided it was time...
by Jack Naneek | Feb 21, 2016 | Featured, Mormon Humor, The Seeing Eye Dog |
by Jason L | Nov 19, 2015 | Book of Mormon, Featured, scripture, Temple |
In 1832, with the infant church barely two years old, the Lord announced to Joseph Smith that it stood condemned for not taking seriously the things which had been written, especially in the “new covenant,” the Book of Mormon.[1] One hundred and fifty four years...
by Pablo | Sep 30, 2015 | Featured, Temple |
Everyone seems to have their favorite apostle, some might even have a story of “the one time I met Elder so and so”. I don’t know if I had a favorite at this particular time in my life, but I do have three moments I have shared with Elder L. Tom...
by Geoff Nelson | Sep 24, 2015 | Family, Featured, Mormonism, Temple |
The following is a talk which my wife gave in our ward last month. I went to the temple last night. As I sat in the celestial room, it struck me how empty and quiet it was. It had been a very chaotic day. My morning had started with the sounds of screaming children...
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