by Dr. Mikle South | Dec 16, 2016 | Activism, Featured |
Kristin and Mikle South have a long tradition of hosting big parties for the release of big movies, from the Lord of the Rings trilogy to the new Star Wars shows. This year they hosted 592 friends and friends-of-friends for an advance screening of Rogue One: A...
by Miguel Barker-Valdez | Dec 28, 2015 | Family, Featured |
One of my earliest childhood memories is sitting in a movie theater at the age of four with my little two-year-old brother, Paul, asleep in the chair next to me. We were watching Star Wars, Episode IV. By that time, our parents would have been separated, maybe even...
by Jenny | May 16, 2013 | Agency, Featured, News |
The Road to Tyranny: (Steps to take in order to transition a limited government of the people, by the people and for the people, to a tyrannical government that runs the people.) 1. Wage war on independence and personal responsibility. Play up the victim angle....
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