by Allie Q | Nov 30, 2016 | Atonement, Compassion, Featured, Jesus, Jesus Christ |
Note: This is a sacrament talk given on November 20, 2016 Last Sunday, I attended evening Mass at St. Paul’s and heard a homily by Father Radmar reflecting on the presidential election. He said, “We need to be listening for God’s voice in the pain and concerns of...
by Kalani Tonga | Aug 18, 2016 | Charity, Church, Compassion, Family, Featured, Fellowship, Goodness, Jesus, parenting |
My kids go back to school next week. HALLELUJAH, Y’ALL, WE MADE IT THROUGH THE SUMMER!! I have one child entering 7th grade, one in preschool through her daycare, and THREE kindergartners this year, as my 5 year old son just missed the deadline for starting...
by Jason L | Jun 30, 2015 | Faith, Featured, prayer |
As Mormons we often pride ourselves on avoiding “vain repetitions” by not reciting set prayers (except, you know, those ones we say every Sunday for the sacrament). Occasionally we also pause to consider our oft-repeated phrases – the “harm-or-accident” and...
by EOR | Nov 27, 2013 | Charity, Faith, Featured, Gospel Topics, Mormonism |
Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am preparing for company this is going to be one of “those” posts. Inspired by Sister Leah Marie’s daily reminder of what she is thankful for (which has been a genuine delight to keep up with) I am going to detail what I am...
by Carrie Marsh | Nov 26, 2013 | Charity, Faith, Featured, Gospel Topics, Uncategorized |
The Christmas after I lost my sons, just eight months after I had them, I announced my rainbow pregnancy, of which I was already 20 weeks along, on my personal blog. It was hard to put that out there and open myself up to everyone one else being more excited about my...
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