by Daniel Lewis | Feb 23, 2016 | Agency, Featured, Individuality, Modesty, Obedience, unity |
The first time I was called to serve as a Bishop’s counselor, I had purple hair. It was a big hank, right in front that was actually violet but since the rest of my hair was so dark, you’d only notice it in bright light. I was going to art school in Seattle at the...
by Carrie Marsh | Mar 15, 2014 | Featured, Modesty, Mormon Humor, Mormonism |
BYU recently held it’s Pro Day where NFL scouts come to watch players. It looks like things started out well, but eventually all hell broke loose and we had football players in underwear. I mean sports attire. I’m not sure what they were thinking...
by Pablo | Dec 4, 2012 | Agency, Featured, Gospel Topics, Modesty, Mormonism, News |
Recently in the news we got a little taste of a “Mormon moment” when on Valentine’s Day a male BYU student passed a note to a female student declaring that she was immodestly dressed and should think about how her appearance was affecting others. I’m...
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