by Jeremy Timothy | Nov 21, 2013 | Agency, Charity, Disability, Faith, Featured, Gospel Topics, Infertility, Mormonism, Theology |
I think every Mormon has had the experience of sitting in the congregation on fast Sunday and being treated to a “thankimony” where the speaker lists their many blessings in a public act of gratitude. I struggle with this. I know we are supposed to be...
by Leah Marie | Oct 4, 2013 | Featured, Feminism, Mormonism, Priesthood |
Conference begins tomorrow, and there has been a lot of talk about the Ordain Women movement. My intent is not to dwell on that, since I believe it has been covered better elsewhere (like HERE and HERE and of course you’ll want to check out ...
by Miguel Barker-Valdez | May 13, 2013 | Featured |
When my oldest daughter was about 18 months old, my wife gave me the o.k. to buy a boxer puppy. I had wanted one for years. Their square heads, under-bite, and wiggly butts, just charmed me. We drove up to Grants Pass, Oregon on Father’s Day and...
by Gregory Prince | May 7, 2013 | Featured, Priesthood, Sunday School |
Note: A few weeks ago I was asked to teach a lesson to the 14-15 year old youth Sunday School class about the Great Apostasy. I reached out to Dr. Greg Prince for advice on how to approach this subject. His response was so helpful, I thought it would be worth being...
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