“The idea of her own nudity, as well as Adam’s, had always felt more like a Nordic coed health spa thing. Now, with the fruit of knowledge, it felt more like a Rio de Janeiro carnival thing. Her breasts felt like water balloons filled with blueberry jam and birds. Her nipples were like lit matchsticks. Her thighs, the way they squished against each other, were like scissors cutting through velour.”

In this episode of The Weird and Wild Old Testament, Dr. Greaves and Miguel take a side trip with a fun Midrash on the Creations of Adam and Eve.

Please donate to the relief efforts taking place in Guatemala

Verified Go Fund Me Campaigns:

Fuego Volcano Relief
Volcano disaster Relief Guate
Relief for Guatemala
Guatemala Volcano Relief

Other Organizations

Cruz Roja Guatelmateca (Red Cross Guatemala)
Miguel Vargas Association
Rotary Club Guatemala
The God’s Child Project
Catholic Relief Services
World Vision 

To verify the legitimacy of the different organizations, click here to be taken to Charity Navigator

Please visit Dr. Greaves’ original podcast series, Discovering the Old Testament,by  clicking here. 
If you would like to email Dr. Greaves a question, fill in the form below.  We would love to play and answer your voice mail questions if you choose to go that route


    Dr. Sheldon Greaves received his Ph.D. in Ancient Near Eastern Studies with an emphasis in Hebrew Bible from UC Berkeley in 1996. He is a co-founder of Henley-Putnam University, a private university catering to the intelligence and counterterrorism communities. He has taught Old and New Testament and similar subjects at Stanford University. At present, Dr. Greaves leads seminars on biblical and related topics as Scholar-in-Residence at the Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan in Corvallis, Oregon. He is also the founder of Guerrilla Scholars (501(c)(3) status pending), a loose association of learners, thinkers, teachers, artists, and recovering academics that can best be described as, "a bunch of geeks who want to save the world."

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