by Jonathan Cannon | Aug 18, 2014 | Agency, Book of Abraham, Featured, Homosexuality, Mother in Heaven, Natural Theology, Theology, Transhumanism |
Here is my Back to School gift for you to share with your kids (or parents) in Family Home Evening. Hopefully it adds some fun to the old Primary Plan of Salvation Diagram. I’ve provided links to documents you can download or print out yourselves, as posters or...
by Carrie Marsh | Apr 24, 2014 | Faith, Featured, Gospel Topics, Uncategorized |
On April 28th, 2011 our family of four grew to a family of six with the birth of our twin sons. Nearly three years ago, I held two tiny angels in my hands and said goodbye. And my world changed. Suddenly, I was personally invested in what happens in the here afters....
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