by L Thomas | Aug 12, 2015 | Bible Scholarship, Featured, Joseph Smith, Revelation, scripture, Standard Works |
I have always enjoyed scripture study. I was attempting to “feast on the words” of the Bible but it had always been difficult for me. There seemed to often be some bit of historical context I was missing, or certain passages that seemed to contradict Mormon doctrine....
by Corbin Volluz | Aug 11, 2015 | Book of Abraham, Featured, King Follett Discourse |
It isn’t every day a dead man speaks to you. Much less reads your mind. So when it does happen, I guess it is worth writing about. The day is July 26, 2015. The dead man in question is Joseph Smith. The person he talked to is my wife, Dee. Here is how it all came...
by Jason L | Apr 7, 2015 | Featured, Polygamy |
It should come as no great surprise that many Mormons are troubled by polygamy. HBO’s Big Love, Warren Jeffs, and Mitt Romney’s presidential run have kept the practice on the cultural radar. More recently, the Church released a series of Gospel Topics essays on the...
by Brian Hales | Mar 29, 2015 | Apologetics, Doctrine and Covenants, Featured, LDS Church History, Mormonism |
Currently the issue of Joseph Smith and plural marriage is receiving a great deal of attention both in the media and on the blogosphere. As the author of a relevant trilogy, Joseph Smith’s Polygamy: History and Theology, coauthor of the newly released Joseph Smith’s...
by Robert Rees | Mar 9, 2015 | Featured, LDS Church History |
“Liar,” “Fraud,” “Adulterer,” “Charlatan,” “Pedophile,” “Con-man,” “Blasphemer,” “Anti-Christian.” These are just some of the negative epithets that Joseph Smith’s critics use in describing him. The Latin phrase reductio ad absurdum means literally “reduction to the...
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