My Wedding, My Sealing

My Wedding, My Sealing

by Patty Williams When I was growing up, we seldom went to church. On the rare occasion that we did go, I would sit and watch my dad twiddle his thumbs. Dad came from an LDS family, but had long ago decided that he didn’t have time for all “the meetin’s”. When...
A Brit Marrying in Utah

A Brit Marrying in Utah

  By Francis Williamson Having been born and brought up in the UK it had never occurred to me that, when it came time for my children to be married, I would not be able to take part in the day or witness their exchanges of wedding vows. Two of my sons have been...
Marriages in the United Kingdom

Marriages in the United Kingdom

I couldn’t imagine not having family and friends at a wedding. For many UK members the icing on the cake is the sealing in the temple, but feel wonderful that all family members whether LDS or not can enjoy and take part in a civil ceremony ! For me, it was...
The Temple as a Ritual Apex

The Temple as a Ritual Apex

By Dr. Walter Van Beek We have rituals in the church, many rituals. We call them differently, though, as we prefer to speak about the sacrament, about blessing, anointment, ordination, or more generally about ordinances – preferable priesthood ordinances – or...