I have a deep, dark secret that I have lived with for too much of my life. I hate my gender. Maybe I don’t hate to the point I feel born the wrong gender or wish to change or anything. I just have a deep seated loathing of what men are and by extension, what I am. At least, I loathe what I have been taught all my life, in countless little ways, that men are. In popular culture there is this notion of a woman taking the man, rough around the edges, and healing him, making him a better person. This has always resonated with me. What could be more admirable? If you want to melt a woman’s heart, let her know that she makes you want to be a better person. This is ultimately Christ-like and truly an admirable impulse, embodied in the myth of Beauty and the Beast. I have always felt there was something amazing about the idea of the magically transforming female bringing out the best in others through love.
But there was a darker reason this resonated with me. It was this nagging belief that there was something inherently wrong with me because I am a man. I have believed for a good portion of my life that men rely on the woman to domesticate us and draw us back in to society. Without them we are doomed to be drifters. We will selfishly walk this earth, feeding our violent animal urges at the peril of anyone who gets in the way. Without women, we will fail to take responsibility for anything and anyone. We will lose perspective and respect for others. It’s dark, it’s unhelpful and it’s cynical and yet it’s not an idea I can give up easily.
Looking back, it’s easy to see where this feeling comes from. Our modesty rhetoric seems to teach that men are slaves to their sexuality. Women have to dress modestly to take charge of our filthy, lusting minds to keep us from being consumed helplessly by sin. What else are we to do? Over my lifetime we have made some very laudable and necessary changes in the teaching of primary classes, with two deep leadership to guard against the possibility of child abuse. No doubt the need for this rule was made all too apparent by real and tragic cases of abuse occurring in what should have been a safe, sacred space. I really do recognize the need. I see the harm that denial could cause. I feel the evil that would be enabled. Here is my problem. These changes have been made and enforced in regard to men only. Women can still teach a primary class by themselves. The underlying concept seems to be that women are safe and men are dangerous and cannot be trusted. I realize that numbers back this assumption up. I know the science that shows testosterone is associated with aggression. Men are the perpetrators in the vast majority of cases of sexual abuse at least, and I believe the majority of physical abuse as well. In my own ward, we have been told that the young men are not to ever be considered to help with child care for any activity ever. The implication is that they are dangerous.
What I can’t help wonder is what this does to a young man’s psyche. How can they grow into fathers with they idea planted in them that they may just eat their young. Actually, I know because I was once that young man. I am as repulsed by the idea of violence and abuse as anyone. Any group with members that could treat others that way, that was capable of being that sick and craven, is not something I wanted of which I wanted to be a part. Yet here I am, biologically built for violence. I grew up feeling there was a monster inside of me. This idea was subtly reinforced by a certain Mormon perception, and perhaps it is an American perception, that men always marry above themselves in the spirituality and righteousness scale. In fact, this is a staple of the defense of why men are given the priesthood and women are not. It was an argument I bought hook, line and sinker. I threw myself into countless online conversations with an energetic defense of this idea. I think it is easy to write off this defense as disingenuous, that perhaps it is just false modesty coming from arrogant, rationalizing men. I can assure you in my case it was not. I had a sincere and deep self-loathing based on my gender. It was a big part of the depression and excessive guilt I have struggled with in my life. As I have moved into a healthier headspace through time and work, this defense of men needing the priesthood more than women now rings hollow.
Beyond the obvious conundrum of why priesthood is meaningful if it can only be used by second class citizens, can the idea that women are naturally more spiritual cause men to vacate spiritual leadership in the family, priesthood? Can we be fathers to our children at all without God making up for our natural deficiencies with an infusion of his power? Is it our fault if we fail? Should we just give up?
I am not sure how this idea of natural male depravity took root in a theology that emphatically rejects the idea that the Fall of Adam led to the moral depravity of mankind but here it is. In the end, it is my firm belief that I am a child of God and hold a spark of the divine within me that has rescued me. I have held onto that through some truly dark times. Through it all, I still believe in the value of our relationships to each other. I believe in the power of eternal marriage. I know we can strengthen each other in our weaknesses. I know dealing with each other’s weaknesses teaches us love in a real and tangible way. What has taken me time is realizing those weaknesses are unique to each individual and present in every partner. Each couple will have its own dynamics. One half of the dyad does not save the other. Instead, we save each other with a whole lot of pain and soul stretching growth on both sides along the way. I believe this is the redemptive power of any social relationship. It is the redemptive power of Zion.
Jesus Christ is male.
<blockquote>I have believed for a good portion of my life that men rely on the woman to domesticate us and draw us back in to society. Without them we are doomed to be drifters. We will selfishly walk this earth, feeding our violent animal urges at the peril of anyone who gets in the way. Without women, we will fail to take responsibility for anything and anyone. We will lose perspective and respect for others. It’s dark, it’s unhelpful and it’s cynical and yet it’s not an idea I can give up easily.</blockquote>
do you think this view is completely wrong, or just exaggerated and one-sided, and therefore distorted?
perhaps it's not the case that "without women, we will fail to take responsibility"— John the Baptist, or St Paul were celibate, but certainly responsible— but in most people's lives, men and women do socialize each other; that's just how we <em>learn</em> the responsibility to which we're called, no?
We all need to be socialized it is true. That socialization happens in marriage. It can also happen in a ward family or community or profession. It can happen in a monastery. I no longer totally believe that this function is one only a woman can fill and only as a wife. I also can no longer envision it as one side taming and rescuing the other. It is a two way street. That said, there does seem to be something profound that settles us down once we become parents. I can’t ignore that completely. Whether or not it’s the only way, it remains a good way.
Great post, I have struggled with some of the gender stereotypes that exist in our Mormon culture and wider western culture. I’m a father, who my wife will tell you, am more patient than she when it comes to parenting. I also really enjoy many of the traditional domestic things that my wife doesn’t like doing as much, like cleaning, cooking, helping with homework, etc. It’s funny how different we all are, I often don’t fit into the traditional stereotypes.
At the same time, I like sports, and action flicks and a lot of the stereotypical interests that many other men align with. It bothers me when generalizations are made about women’s abilities or men’s deficiencies. There is a disturbing dynamic at play. Women have less authority, via the priesthood policy today, and consequentially the messages sent from leaders about women are how great they are at spiritual sensitivity and how much we honor women. They also find it necessary to put down men, to say how much more carnal men are by nature. This is an effort, either consciously not, to try and level the playing field. There are negative consequences from this that are felt by both women and men alike. It’s an unfortunate tradition and does harm to both of the sexes.
Yes, to all of it (except I’m not quite as patient).
In terms of morality and innate goodness, many of the women I see are embracing dark behavior, often with enthusiasm. The numbers seem to be growing, at least within part of the world.
Men are not monsters, and women are not their healers.
My point exactly