It’s sad how the female immodesty issue–constantly a topic of discontent in social media–has unnecessarily divided us. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We should treat all inappropriately dressed women with courtesy and respect. They are human beings, just like the rest of us.
To that end, here are some well-intentioned phrases that represent a mindset of equality and universal love that we should model for all scandalously-dressed women and other unfairly maligned jezebels. It’s 2018. We need to do better.
•”The truth is, I don’t see immodest women. I’m immodesty-blind.”
•”Some of my best friends are the immodest.”
•”I don’t think of you as *just* inappropriately dressed.”
•”What do other immodest women like you think? I really want to know.”
•”Which culture does your particular immodest style come from? All cultures are so fascinating to me.”
•”You are so articulate for an indecent woman.”
•”How you dress in front of others–especially men and children–is your own business and don’t you let anyone tell you otherwise.”
•”You have to admit that it’s so much better than it used to be for sartorially inappropriate women. Just be patient.”
•”I don’t know why you wore something that showed your clavicle 3 times this week, but you’re no less welcome in my house for doing so.”
•”I honestly think you are one of the *good* immodest women.”
•”Some people might think that bare shoulders and cleavage are exactly the same, but I want you to know that whichever you improperly display, you still deserve respect.”
•”I’ve never equated immodest women with prostitutes or sluts. I think it’s sad that so many people don’t see the differences.”
•”I’m surprised you think that. I’ve said the same things to other improperly dressed women like you and they didn’t mind.”
•”Do you prefer that your style of dress be called immodest, indecent, or improper?”
•”You are so lucky you don’t get cold wearing so little.”
•”Hate the immodesty, love the woman, that’s what I always say.”
•”I don’t care if you are immodest, scandalous, or even just loose. I treat all indecently-dressed women the same and so should everyone else.”
I’m dyyyyying laughing at this. Apparently I’m not the only blogger who’s feeling sarcastic today. Love it!
Oh, my goodness, you have made my week!
When we quit sexualizing people, we will no longer see immodesty. Why can’t we all be humans? My clothes make you uncomfortable? Not MY problem.
The last person who scolded me for wearing a business slack suit(I’m a woman & straight)in church(I’m LDS-family dates back to Nauvoo)left his wife and 8 children for his boyfriend. He was also Bishop in our ward. My great grandmother wore garments that were long sleeved and long legged which she never completely took off even when taking a bath.
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