It has come to my attention that some Mormons have had “questions” regarding prophetic priorities. I’ll break it down so that even a child can understand: if the Prophets and Apostles are talking about something, it matters. If they aren’t talking about it, it doesn’t matter.
Let me give you some examples.
- Find me evidence of any focus by the Prophets and Apostles about what color your living room carpet should be. Can’t? Then it must not matter.
- Find me evidence of any discussions, announcements, speeches, or press conferences by the Prophets and Apostles about which breakfast cereal is the best. Can’t? Then it must not really matter in the eternal scheme of things.
- Find me proof of any sort of focus in Church teachings/manuals on the dangers of sexism or misogyny. Can’t? Apparently that isn’t an issue that we should be worried about these days.
- Find me a conference talk about so-called “climate change.” You can’t? Doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
Now some might be able to pull up a quote here or there, or a talk from 35 years ago, or a paragraph from some apostle’s biography that seems to indicate that a particular issue is salient. Talk about ignoring the forest for the trees! If there’s not a current focus on it by the LIVING prophets and apostles, then it. doesn’t. matter.
- Find me a mention of factory farms, food monopolies, or manipulative food advertising. Can’t? Must not matter.
- Point out where the Prophets and Apostles have spoken out about deforestation, strip mining, resource depletion, pollution, or waste. Can’t? Hmm. What can we surmise?
- How about wasteful consumerism? Slave labor? Sex slavery? Domestic abuse, gender discrimination, or LGBTQ hate crimes? See a pattern here? We can care about them on our own time if we must, but just pick a carpet color and get on with your life already.
They just don’t matter that much.
The Gospel is simple and the purpose of life is clear: find the prophet. Once you’ve found the prophet, the thinking is done. Just do 100% of what he says. No more and no less. And then you’re home free.
Please please God, let this not be sincere. Comparing domestic violence and sex slavery to something as insignificant as carpet colour? I feel ill.
What do they say about the killing of Christians in the Middle East?
I had been reaching for a pithy summary of modern Mormonism; this, I think, beats mine.
Mine was Vox Apostoli, Vox Dei.
I wish Mormonism could not plausibly be reduced to either one of these statements.
I’m saddened by the lack of care for the world around us this author suggests in this post. How is it that we’re supposed to love our neighbor again? Is it only if the prophet mentions something about it? Oh wait, there’s no time for that because “the family” is being “attacked”. Selfish author, selfish attitude, unremarkable writing, and laughable logic.
If I recall correctly, Gordon B Hinckley had a really strong talk about not abusing wives or children. I’ll post a second comment if I can find it. So at least he talked about domestic abuse,
In other words, quit using your god-given brain, don't worry, be happy? Lame excuse for a post., unless it is satire.
Of course it is satire: “A Modest” and “J. Swift” are your clues.
I was at a session of the Columbus Ohio temple dedication in which, after going outside to symbolically lay the capstone, Pres. Hinckley stopped, looked at the stake center across the parking lot and said, “Those pipe steeples … I’ve never really liked those pipe steeples.” So, now I have a firm testimony that pipe steeples are not part of the true church.
(Yes, that last sentence is satire, too.)