The Tracy McKay Scholarship for Single Mormon Mothers began a few years ago when Tracy McKay lost the support she needed to finish the last year of her degree.  When the FMH bloggers found out they reached out to their community of readers and the response was overwhelming in the most beautiful way.

McKay wrote,

Your hands are the hands of the divine. Look down at them… they are so beautiful. They are made of the same molecules, star dust and atoms as God. And last year those hands reached out into the darkness and lifted not only me— through lifting me, they lifted my children, and quite possibly the generations to come.

My children will have a very different future now than they would have had if I had not managed to graduate from college, if I had not done well enough to be accepted into a graduate program. They have now seen their mother work hard, and they understand the value of education in a way that is not abstract, and is deeply meaningful.

The Feminist Mormon Housewives Scholarship enabled me to pay for the last two semesters of college, apply to grad schools, and keep our heads above water until I was able to secure employment.

When you educate a mother, you educate the future.

The FMH blog and community has kept this tradition alive each year with this scholarship and will do so again in 2017. If you are a single Mormon mother and you could use this boon, please apply.

You can read more about the requirements and the deadlines at 2017 FMH Tracy McKay Scholarship for Single Mormon Mothers: Application and Deadlines on the FMH blog.


Leah Marie earned a BA in Political Science, and a Masters in Public Administration. She is currently working towards her PhD in Public Policy. She is wife to an English professor, and mother to 3 beautiful boys.

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