Here is a discussion with the minds behind a newly proposed study of The Next Mormons. Jana Riess and Ben Knoll talk with Thomas and I about their “survey that will teach us about Mormon Millennials (ages 18-35) — and especially how they differ from three older generations in religious beliefs and habits, politics, family size, education, and more”. The survey has not been conducted yet because it is expensive. Be a part of the fundraising effort to make this a reality. Click here to donate, and listen below to learn more about why this survey is so important. If all the regular RF Podcast listeners donated $25 to this effort the fundraising work would be done. Lets make this happen folks.

Brian was born and raised in Northern Utah and is now working as a chemist in Ohio. He has one wife and three children. He currently serves as the ward hall monitor. He likes to eat good food, and build cool things.

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