by Blaire Ostler | Jun 20, 2017 | Authority, Body of Christ, Featured, General authorities, LGBTQ, Ordain Women, Theology |
(Photography Art by Seb Janiak) My closest friends know I dream. I dream a lot. I have dreams about fantasy worlds that don’t exist, and dreams that are so closely aligned with memories that I question if they really happened. I have beautiful dreams,...
by Leah Marie | Sep 23, 2016 | Activism, Featured, Feminism, Mormonism, Ordain Women, Priesthood |
I’m sure you’ve seen it by now. The Sharing Time lesson for Week 2 in October 2017. The object lesson is to instruct someone (a boy, because obvs) to hold an umbrella while children gather under it. You’re supposed to explain that the umbrella symbolizes the...
by Daniel Lewis | Jun 28, 2016 | Activism, Featured, General authorities, Ordain Women, Revelation |
The office of the First Presidency June 28th, 2016 (about time) Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Ordain Women organization, We are moved by your continued...
by Leah Marie | Mar 4, 2016 | Church, Featured, Feminism, Gospel Topics, Mormonism, Priesthood |
When female ordination is the topic, you can be pretty sure that the conversation is being centered around men 80% of the time. Okay, I’m being generous. Probably 95%. Instead of discussing the value of allowing women to access and yield the power of God on earth—what...
by Leah Marie | Feb 19, 2016 | Featured, Feminism, Mormonism, ordinances |
When I was a beehive in YW’s many moons ago, I remember attending a lesson on the apostolic calling. Now, take a seat and pay attention to this story because it is a pivotal moment in My Feminist Life. My Young Women’s teacher (a woman, of course) went on and on about...
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