The Barker brothers are huge fans of Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife. She has appeared several times on Mormon Stories and Mormon Matters podcasts. She will be writing for us next month and we couldn’t be more excited about it. We saw a post from her Dr. Fife’s FB page about a special offer for her courses and we though our readers would enjoy hearing about it. So here it is!
For a limited time, I am offering the 2013 Relationship and Sexuality Courses for LDS Couples at a 20% discount!* You can purchase these course recordings (with support materials) as a wonderful Christmas gift for your spouse or family member.
Course materials include video recordings of live classes and power point slides (delivered electronically), along with a bound copy of the outlines and assignments that will be mailed to you before Christmas (to be wrapped and put under the tree). The purchase of both courses provides you with access to more than 20 hours of instruction tailored specifically to an LDS audience, in addition to weekly class assignments that allow you to understand and develop your relationship. These are very popular courses and a cost-effective way to address marital relational and sexual issues, in the privacy and comfort of your home. These prices are available until December 20, 2013.
Here are some of the (unsolicited) comments I’ve received from 2013 participants about this course series:
“… I just started listening to the relationship course again. They are SOOO good! I have read SEVERAL dozen marriage / relationship books. Other than John Gottman books, these 2 courses are the best. I feel they are really giving me something I can do. … Even though I do see some things that I can say “my wife is doing that”, it is REALLY making me think hard about ME and MY role — enough where I am now listening and not even thinking about her, but just about how I have contributed and where I need to change. I expected that these wouldn’t just be for my wife, but I am surprised at (with your insight and articulation) just how much I am focusing on myself”. –N.B. 2013 class participant. ”
“We’ve been going through your course, and feel we’ve started making much needed changes in our marriage. We so appreciate the tools you’re teaching us to use.” –J.L. 2013 class participant.
“Thank you for teaching this class. We had a wonderful experience with both the “Strengthening Your Relationship” and the “Enhancing Sexuality” courses. I found the assignments particularly helpful. Going through them allowed me to process what I learned in the classes and apply it to myself. Doing that helped me identify a lot of things I need to confront to improve my relationship to my own sexuality and my sexual connection with my husband. I feel like I’m leaving the course with tools in my tool box to deal with my avoidance of sex, a problem I now see more clearly.” —S.R. 2013 class participant.
“Your course is super hard to go through, because I’m not focusing on what my spouse does. For the first time I’m starting to see myself in a more real way and it hurts and is sobering, but it’s also the first time I’ve really felt like 1) know what’s going on, and 2) what I can do about it. Those two conundrums eluded me for many years.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us, and for being a real person when training us. I particularly liked that you talked about your contribution when getting ready for church. I’ve never heard a counselor (and I’ve talked to many by myself when I was younger) talk about themselves that way. It was very helpful in allowing me to look at myself in a more honest way, it’s a very compassionate way to lead.” —J.C. 2013 class participant.
Bless your relationship with the gift of one or both of these courses.
For more information and to purchase the course recordings and materials, go to
(Please put your mailing address on your paypal purchase so I can mail you a hard copy of the outlines and assignments.)
Merry Christmas,
Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife
* 20 % discount when purchasing both courses
10 % discount when purchasing either course individually.
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