You might ask, “What exactly is a feminist Mormon peep?”
It is a common misconception that feminist Mormon peeps are simply bra-burning activists.
But there are lots of things in which we are involved.
We fight the PEEPRIARCHY!
We work to eradicate polypeepamy.
We nurse our babies.
We bear one another’s burdens.
We wear pants to church.
We hope to see peeps use their peepual powers for the benefit of all.
And when all else fails:
(Posted from feminist Mormon peeps.)
This is fantastic! Happy Easter! (Also, some feminist Mormon peeps are grandmas. . . our jelly beans might not be quite so perky, but we look darn good in those pants!)
Hahaha jelly beans!!!
This looks like it was really fun to make. It was certainly fun to read!
Ha! This is great!