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#DearWhiteMormons Please understand what it’s like to be a brown kid growing up in church and seeing no place for you in LDS art👇🏽 pic.twitter.com/SUpqzeopgb
— Zion X Lion (@Zion_X_Lion) May 27, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons asking me where I'm from is not the same thing as asking my ethnic background, no matter how you emphasize "from."
— hobo (@hobocita) May 24, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons: If you're gonna push dating, teach folks how to not be racist if seeking an eternal companion.
— The Hood Mormon (@thehoodmormon) May 24, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons Don't assume that because I was raised by a single mother, she must have been a teen mom that was saved by religion.
— @dietcokemami ✨ (@janelyelayne) May 24, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons if the thought of God or Christ being anything but white offends you, please examine why.
— The Hood Mormon (@thehoodmormon) May 24, 2017
Especially this. not only Jesus is white, but all those that are in his presence are white also. What does that say? #DearWhiteMormons pic.twitter.com/ZbPW66oadG
— Jerel Applewhite (@RAwTheDJ) May 26, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons: stop saying we are being "contentious" when we challenge your racism, sexism, or homophobia.
— The Hood Mormon (@thehoodmormon) May 24, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons: how are you gonna celebrate Mormon pioneers every year but tell us to forget about history?
— The Hood Mormon (@thehoodmormon) May 24, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons: if you're reading this hashtag and feeling attacked, think about why LDS PoC sharing their experiences bothers you.
— tinesha (@TineshaCapri) May 26, 2017
I love the #DearWhiteMormons hashtag because the issues that PoC face in the LDS church are SO important & need to be discussed & changed.
— tinesha (@TineshaCapri) May 25, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons: I didn't take get into BYU just bc I'm a WoC. I didn't take your precious Billy's spot, I just got a better SAT score.
— tinesha (@TineshaCapri) May 24, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons asking PoC "What can I do about Klu-Klux-Khloe/@apurposefulwife her #AltMormon crew & racism in the church?" LOTS!
-Zandra pic.twitter.com/ovzfS39JCr— Sistas in Zion (@SISTASinZION) June 1, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons Please stop asking me about my "Lamanite" heritage and please stop claiming my culture because you lived there for 2 yrs
— Queen Curly Fry (@itsmeheidi_h) June 1, 2017
#DearWhiteMormons, please don't act like the "Alt-right Mormon Movement" is the first time you knew that there was racism in the LDS Church.
— B W Roberts (@sistabryndis) June 1, 2017
To Those-of-you-PoC-who-lecture-“WhiteMormons”-on race-insensitivity-as-if-they-think-and-act-monolithically: 1st, notice that in addressing you, I didn’t assume that no more differentiation was required that just identifying your pigmentation and denomination. You should do the same; otherwise you’re guilty of the same racial stereotyping you’re criticizing. 2nd, Tinesha, unless you’re hypocritical, you wouldn’t be at all offended if some white Mormon said to you, “DearColoredMormon, I didn’t get into BYU instead of your precious LaShonda because I’m white; it’s because I’m more intelligent than she.” Are you comfortable with that kind of dialogue? I wouldn’t.3rd, if any of you in the above-described category look in the mirror closely and see no motes in your own eyes, it might be because a large mote is blocking your vision. Snarky condescension and race-and-religion-baiting are nobody’s province, regardless of skin color or denomination, or how enjoyable one might find it to be.
I meant to say, “I wouldn’t be” instead of “I wouldn’t.”
Oops. I also meant “than” instead of “that” in the second sentence. Need to edit during post instead of after.
Dang – Seems there is a real need to hijack the general conference feed and cut in some “Rational Faiths – The racism podcast” for a bit of education (but to be clear a LOT of educating needs to happen).